Welcome to my new blog! It’s being a busy few weeks with commissions and some mixed media workshops. I’ll be running more workshops and doing regular weekly classes in the Cheltenham area, so if you’d like to come along and learn some new ways to splash paint around, make different marks and generally have fun painting in an intuitive style then these workshops and/or classes are for you!
So many people have been affected by unhelpful comments or harsh criticism of their drawing and painting skills when they were young and for me, it’s hugely rewarding seeing people re-discover their creative mojo whilst trying out some fun techniques. I always say, if you give any 3 year old child a crayon they will happily draw you a picture. It’s only as we grow older that we start to maybe look at other people’s work and think, “hmmm that’s MUCH better than mine” or maybe Aunty Desdemona laughed hysterically and said ” oh dear, she’ll never make a proper artist will she!” when you proudly showed her your latest creation. It doesn’t matter! We ALL receive criticism in one way or another and sometimes it can help you to improve, whilst other times you just have to cultivate a thick skin and think… what the heck? I LOVE IT!
Art is SO subjective and it would be so boring if we all painted in the same way and liked the same thing. Be yourself! Be brave and be bold! When you really forget about everything else and just immerse yourself in the colours, textures and the work you are doing you will create much more spontaneous and joyful paintings. Have a great week everyone!